Go Team PEE!!!

         A little backstory....


          A long time ago way back in early 2021, 4 friends who were all new to twitch streaming gathered together to stream a simple game of UNO. Queenblinky, ShortbussZombie, Serene and Bigdude601.

        Queenblinky had just made affiliate days before and had added a hydrate button to her stream channel points. For fun, Shortbuszombie, Serene and Bigdude all took turns hydrating Blinky over and over through the night to the point where she was forced to call a timeout and go relieve herself.

        Thus TeamPee was born. Later it gained a little more traction and popularity in the channel of Nykizta! who even posted a community challenge for a special discord role and channel emoji for everyone to use.

        Well Teampee then got a subreddit and started archiving clips of various streamers shouting out their love for the Hydration related shenanigans!

         Born of memes and fun, Bigdude and Oneiropticon sat down one night in some DM's and said "you know Teampee ought to be about something more than just hydrating a few streamers for the lols.. TeamPee has the chance to do some good in this world, And here we are today, We believe firmly that hydration is a basic human right and necessity. Every man woman and child on this planet deserves a chance at good clean water. So do your part and help out one of the charities in the link above, And spread the word of TeamPee to your friends, Because like a stream of urine, TeamPee will soak the whole bed! Get out there and do some good in this world you Glorious Basterds!